Spectrum’s Lincoln Street Outpatient Center Gives Back

Published On: October 19th, 2021Categories: News, Spectrum Corrections

As we reflect on National Recovery Month 2021, we took a look back at the incredible work our teams continue to do for the clients and the communities they serve. Last month was a time to connect with one another and raise awareness about the disease of addiction and the importance of recovery. Many centers hosted events throughout the month, but our outpatient center on Lincoln Street in Worcester, MA went above and beyond.

Giving Back

The outpatient team came up with an idea to focus on a month-long project centered around giving back throughout the month of September. They advertised the initiative on their weekly recovery month calendar and clients wanted in as a well! They worked together to donate nonperishable items and canned goods to the Worcester County Foodbank. The Worcester Country Foodbank is on a mission to create a hunger-free community and we were delighted to be able to lend a hand in helping to make that happen.

“Our clients are great and always willing to lending a helping hand when they can. We thought it would be great to have staff members and clients contribute. Throughout the project, we were able to donate a total of 124 items to the Worcester County Foodbank,” shared Clinical Supervisor Alyssa Taddeo, LMHC.

At Spectrum Health Systems, we take pride in giving back to others. In more ways than one, lending a hand and helping one another allows all of us to come together and support each other when we need it the most.

Our Lincoln Street location in Worcester, Mass. is our largest outpatient treatment center. Staff at the center offer a full array of services and treat more than 1,500 individuals daily. This center provides medication for addiction recovery, substance use counseling, including individual, group and family, mental health services, intimate partner abuse education along with a Massachusetts impaired driving program. Our staff is always ready to lend a hand to support the community and our clients are eager to help as well.

If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, Spectrum Health Systems has beds available today. Call 1-877-MyRehab and speak to an admissions counselor.


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