Through the operation of our multi-site programs, we have demonstrated our effectiveness in developing strong partnerships with public and private purchasers. Recognizing the unique management approach needed to support field operations, Spectrum has built an infrastructure capable of meeting these demands. Spectrum’s corporate resources provide expertise and support in clinical design, human resources, information technology, training and professional development, risk management, compliance, quality improvement, accounting, and finance.
For more information regarding correctional treatment services, please call the Spectrum corporate office at (508) 792-5400

Spectrum provides a wide array of in-prison programming on a statewide basis for the Massachusetts Department of Correction (MADOC), including residential treatment, general population programming, family services, secure adjustment unit treatment, and tablet programming. Spectrum also helps opiate dependent offenders being released from the Massachusetts state prison system access addiction treatment in the community.
In 2020, Spectrum was awarded a first-of-its-kind contract by the Department of Correction to provide medication for opioid use disorder treatment, utilizing all three FDA-approved medications, for inmates across the state.
Spectrum also provides a range of substance use disorder programming for the Essex County Sheriff’s Department, Suffolk County Sheriff’s Department, and Middlesex Sheriff’s Office for inmates and detainees under County supervision. In addition, Spectrum provides medication for opioid use disorder treatment behind-the-walls for the Norfolk County Sheriff’s Department, Berkshire County Sheriff’s Department, Middlesex Sheriff’s Office, and Worcester County Sheriff’s Office.
In the community, Spectrum provides outpatient counseling and medication for substance use disorder treatment to clients with criminal justice involvement throughout our network of 15 outpatient treatment centers. Approximately 400 clients attend Spectrum’s court-ordered counseling programs including impaired driver education, second offender aftercare, intimate partner abuse education, and anger management.
For more information, please call (508) 792-5400

Spectrum operates the largest in-prison therapeutic community program in the country, serving 1,055 male inmates at the Indian Creek Correctional Center for the Virginia Department of Corrections. The program includes specialized units to address the needs of youthful offenders, military veterans and individuals requiring higher intensity treatment.
Spectrum also operates an 82-bed therapeutic community program for women at the Virginia Correctional Center, four Community Corrections Sentencing Alternative Programs, a Work Center Program for men, and a Transitional Work Release Program for women. In total, these programs cover eight facilities and serve up to 1,851 individuals each day.
For more information, please call (508) 792-5400
“The organization has a well-defined set of values, including compassion, service excellence, integrity, optimal care, creativity, positive workplace and fiscal responsibility, that is reiterated throughout all levels of programming.”
“The organization’s data regarding recidivism show an impressive outcome for those individuals who have received residential substance abuse treatment.”
“The organization’s leadership, staff members, and other stakeholders believe in the mission of the organization and its ability to improve the lives of those served.”
“The staff members of Spectrum Health Systems are enthusiastic and energetic in their interactions with the persons served and are credited by the persons served for fostering hope in their future.”
“I entered Spectrum’s detox at the lowest point in my life. While I was there, I took a tour of the residential program. I decided to try it because I did not want to go back to my old way of life. Now I’m in recovery, working and making plans for my future – something I never dreamed possible.”
“The Correctional Recovery Academy model provides a holistic approach to treating addictions and associated behaviors. All aspects of living without substances are addressed, practiced and modeled.”