News & Events

Get to Know Earl Warren, Vice President of Correctional Services

Earl Warren has been instrumental in the growth and expansion of our Corrections Division, almost from its inception. With over 24 years in the field, he brings invaluable expertise to his new role as Vice President of Correctional Services. Warren now provides executive oversight, including program design and development, for all correctional treatment programs in ...

April 13th, 2022|

Get to Know Christopher Petrozzi, Chief Organizational Development Officer

With more than three decades of professional success in the progressive treatment and criminal justice fields, Chris Petrozzi astutely recognizes both the challenges and the rewards he will face following his recent promotion to Spectrum Health Systems’ Chief Organizational Development Officer. “The behavioral health field is highly dynamic from an accountability, regulatory, technological, and performance ...

April 1st, 2022|

Leadership Series: Meet our Senior Staff Members

We have been fortunate to enjoy significant growth over the past several years, and as a result, we are pleased to highlight well-deserved promotions for eight members of our leadership team who have played key roles in that success. For two years, a global pandemic has wreaked havoc on America’s healthcare delivery systems, including behavioral ...

March 9th, 2022|

Black History Month: Honoring Black Pioneers in Behavioral Health

The month of February was chosen to honor Black history to coincide with the birthdays of Frederick Douglas, an African American social reformer, and Abraham Lincoln, the U.S. president who issued the Emancipation Proclamation. The observance originated in the U.S. back in the 1970s to honor and recognize the contributions and achievements of Black Americans ...

February 14th, 2022|

Reflection: A Look Back on An Impactful Year

Whether you’re in recovery, treatment, or active addiction – this past year likely posed some extra challenges. We saw many changes in 2021, from telehealth services to vaccine mandates and everything in between, and sometimes it felt impossible to keep up. Join us as we reflect on all the great things that did come out ...

December 30th, 2021|

Combating the Nursing Shortage in Addiction

The United States is in the midst of a critical nursing shortage – it is estimated that 1.2 million new registered nurses will be needed by 2030. Spectrum Health Systems, like many other addiction treatment providers, has experienced an increase in patients and a decrease in providers available. This shortage has been around for a ...

November 10th, 2021|

Spectrum’s Lincoln Street Outpatient Center Gives Back

As we reflect on National Recovery Month 2021, we took a look back at the incredible work our teams continue to do for the clients and the communities they serve. Last month was a time to connect with one another and raise awareness about the disease of addiction and the importance of recovery. Many centers ...

October 19th, 2021|

Employee Spotlight: Meet Karen Hewitt, Regional Program Director for Spectrum’s Millbury and Milford Outpatient Treatment Centers

We’re excited to shine the spotlight on another one of our outstanding employees: Karen Hewitt! Karen is the Regional Program Director for Spectrum’s Millbury and Milford Outpatient Treatment Centers, where she is responsible for the clinical, financial and environmental operations of both programs as well as overseeing the outpatient intake departments. Karen wears a variety ...

August 11th, 2021|

Employee Spotlight: Meet Our Substance Use Disorder Program Director, Cinderella Stiltner

At Spectrum Health Systems, our dedicated staff members genuinely care about our clients. We had the pleasure of speaking with one of our Program Directors, Cinderella Stiltner, about her role overseeing the Substance Use Disorder program at the Appalachian Community Corrections Alternative Program (ACCAP) in Honaker, VA, and what she finds to be the most ...

June 8th, 2021|

The President’s Club: Celebrating the Spectrum Way

At Spectrum Health Systems, we take enormous pride in the high quality of services we provide. We assist our clients in achieving and sustaining their recovery long after they complete one of our addiction treatment programs, by providing ongoing support and offering a continuum of services. We believe that the staff who carry out Spectrum’s ...

May 21st, 2021|
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